about the new book PERFECT
For most of his childhood, Joseph lived the quintessential Mormon life in Utah. But at the age of thirteen, he began to be faced with an ominous fact: that he was gay. The inner battle between his religious and sexual identities raged for ten years, nearly driving him to suicide. However, one night he realized that the monumental effort he had put into becoming a straight, mainstream Mormon man was not only an exercise in futility, but simply the wrong path for him. Around the next corner, he found the peace and happiness that had always been so elusive.
Listen to an interview with Joe on STONEWALL LIVE! with Nate Klarfeld that aired July, 2011. CLICK HERE
Read Jim Piechota's review of PERFECT in the January, 2011 issue of "Bay Area Reporter." CLICK HERE
Life After Mormonism: read Joe's latest essay, "A Letter to the Past." CLICK HERE
Listen to an interview with Joe by Terry LeGrand, host of "The Alternative" on Los Angeles' LATALKRADIO.COM on February 7, 2010. LISTEN HERE
here's an excerpt from PERFECT...
Not enough…
How can it be over? How can this be it? How can I still be the same, filthy wretch I was two years ago?
I stood at the pulpit and looked over the crowd. I could have sworn my mission president gave me a smirky smile that said, “I know you’re a fake, Elder Dallin. I know your secrets,” as if the all-seeing eye had clued him in.